Dennis McDermott
Freelance Database Systems and Web Developer

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Clients and Projects

These are a few of the companies I have worked with recently.
  Clients and Projects

121 Fundraising Ltd.

301 Design

Abbey Storage

ABS Wastewater Technology Ltd

Acacia Conservatories

Advice North Lincolnshire

Air Heating (Southern) Ltd.

Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty

Almond Art

Alpha Impact Ltd.


Art du Midi

Barconn Limited

Barnet and Chase Farm Hospitals

Blairgowrie Guest House

Brentwood Communications

Broadway Records

Bruce Burlington & Co. Ltd.

Cachet (London) Ltd.

Camping La Corconne

Canon Consumer Imaging

Careys Private Hire

Dartford Council

Disabled Living Foundation

Dellcourt House


Excel IT Ltd.

Fleetwood Building and Maintenance

GAP Photos

Gites in the Languedoc

Haymarket Publishing

Hiltongrove Audio Bank

Hiltongrove Business Space

Lansbury International

Le Palais des Roses

Lynwood Lodge

Marie-Louise von Motesiczky


Metal Cleaning UK Ltd

Midaye Somali Development Network

Moving Ahead Online Ltd.

MSL Medical



Regent Carriage Services

Rail Professional

Rail Professional Development

Sea Containers

South Essex Gymnastics Club

South & East Essex Training Group

Standish Metal Treatment Ltd


The Gifted Goat

The Lamp Company

Thompson and Morgan

Total Crane Services

Virtual BM



Alpha Impact Ltd.

Office based systems
Locum Placement System

Alpha Impact Ltd. is a specialised company with clients in the veterinary profession for which they source locums. They approached me with a requirement to create a database system to handle the requirements of their clients, the registration of their veterinary professionals and the matching of requirements to available staff.

This was a very interesting project as the client had very specific requirements regarding data entry, which was to be as fast as possible as well as being fully validated.

The system was also to retrieve registrations data from the Alpha Impact website at the click of a button and import this data into the desktop database system.

The Locum Placement Screen is the heart of the system where the client is able to see all available locums for any given day filtered by their relevant profession, and then match these locums to the clients requirements, each matched pair can have comments attached and it is also possible to see further details regarding a booking 'drill-down' by a simple double click of the mouse.

This interface was the result of many discussions with the client and the creation of a very detailed software system requirements specification document.

The system also provides sophisticated reporting facilities where the user can select their data filtering criteria from a form and then the system will produce reports based on these criteria.

Alpha Impact Locum System - Report

Office based systems
Job Vacancies System

This is another office based system that uses an Access Database to hold detail of job vacancies on offer via Alpha Impact.

This system enables the client to enter job vacancies, set various details such as location, profession etc. and set a date range for the vacancies to be displayed on the Alpha Impact website. The client then has the facility to view the job vacancy as it would appear on the website by the use of an embedded web browser.

Once the client is happy with the content of each job vacancy the system will synchronise with the website, all job vacancies that are new or have been edited. The system has the intelligence to determine which job vacancies require synchronisation removing this burden from the user.

Alpha Impact Job Vacancies System

See examples of some of my Microsoft Access Development and VBA Programming Projects here...

Alpha Impact Website

The client provided a specification for me to create a new website for them.

Their current website was looking a little dated and was quite difficult to maintain.

The client called in the skills of a third party design company to come up with the concept for the website.

I undertook all the development to create a website that matched the design brief, I was also responsible for all the database creation and integration, and the finished website has a fresh and modern look, it contains a registrations page which gathers data from registrants, e-mails this information directly to Alpha Impact together with any supporting documentation provided by the registrant. I also provide hosting for this client to ensure a high level of availability.

Alpha Impact Website

Job Vacancies Page
This page displayed current job vacancies to the user that have originated form the Job Vacancies database detailed above, there is no requirement for the client to remove vacancies after a certain date as the system handles this automatically. The website also offers a 'drill-down' job vacancy search facility.

Alpha Impact Job Vacancies Page

Content Management Facility
The website offers a content management facility to enable the client to create topical news stories for display on the site, as well as ticker tape and events information. I created the content management system to be very easy to use, the image upload facility checks images for the correct dimensions, ensuring there are never any cropped or stretched images on the site. It also controls the length of text in the relevant sections to ensure the site layout is not corrupted by over enthusiastic editing. The system also provides a facility to archive stories.

Alpha Impact Content Management Page

© Dennis McDermott 2001-2025  -:-  Dennis McDermott is a Freelance Access Developer at Bespoke Software Development Limited -:- Privacy Policy