Dennis McDermott
Freelance Database Systems and Web Developer

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Software / Programming Languages / Technologies

I am experienced in the following Software, Programming Languages and Technologies

Please select a Software package, Programming Language or Technology.

  Access 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, 97

[View Access Projects]

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

Adobe Acrobat

ASP (Active Server Pages)

Auto IT


Coral 66

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)



DOS Batch programming

FoxPro for DOS

General Office Software


Internet / Web Software


ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)


Operating Systems


SQL (Structured Query Language)

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)


VB (Visual Basic)

VDS (Visual Dialogscript)

VFP (Visual Foxpro)

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

XML (Extensible Markup Language)
SQL (Structured Query Language)


Many people think that Microsoft SQL Server is SQL, this is not the case.

SQL is a special-purpose, nonprocedural language that supports the definition, manipulation, and control of data in relational database management systems. It's a special-purpose language, because you can use it only for handling databases; you can't write general-purpose applications with it. (To write an application, you have to embed SQL in some other language, and it's frequently used that way.) That's why SQL is also known as a data sublanguage. A sublanguage can be used with application languages, but it is not a fully-fledged application language. Also, a full-featured application language usually includes semantics for procedures, whereas SQL is nonprocedural. It doesn't specify how something should be done, it just specifies what should be done. In other words, SQL is concerned with results rather than procedures. By far the most important feature of SQL is that it provides access to relational databases.

I have used SQL extensively since the mid 80's, I have used it in FoxPro, Visual Basic, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) and ASP for controlling Web based data.

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