Dennis McDermott
Freelance Database Systems and Web Developer

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Software / Programming Languages / Technologies

I am experienced in the following Software, Programming Languages and Technologies

Please select a Software package, Programming Language or Technology.

  Access 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, 97

[View Access Projects]

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

Adobe Acrobat

ASP (Active Server Pages)

Auto IT


Coral 66

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)



DOS Batch programming

FoxPro for DOS

General Office Software


Internet / Web Software


ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)


Operating Systems


SQL (Structured Query Language)

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)


VB (Visual Basic)

VDS (Visual Dialogscript)

VFP (Visual Foxpro)

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

XML (Extensible Markup Language)

I have experience of producing full software life-cycle documentation.

Code Complete
Code Complete by Steve McConnell ISBN 1-55615-484-4

Whilst working at GEC-Marconi I wrote a complete set of 'System Design Guidelines' that were adopted throughout the company. A lot of the original thoughts behind these documents came from the above book, this is an excellent reference containing all you need to know about software construction, it contains many metaphors that really help to impart the concepts, we were granted permission from Microsoft Press to include excerpts from this book in our guidelines.

The Software Life-cycle:

  • Start with a full and detailed software requirements specification document (SRS).
  • Reviewing the SRS.
  • Create a top level design document based on the SRS.
  • Review the top level design document.
  • Sub divide the tasks into modules.
  • Create requirements specification documents for each software module.
  • Review the module design documentation.
  • Create pseudo code for each software module.
  • Review the module pseudo code.
  • Code individual modules.
  • Create test specifications for each software module.
  • Review each module test specification.
  • Test individual modules against specification.
  • Integrate modules into the complete system.
  • Create an overall test specification.
  • Review the overall test specification.
  • System testing
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