Dennis McDermott
Freelance Database Systems and Web Developer

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Software / Programming Languages / Technologies

I am experienced in the following Software, Programming Languages and Technologies

Please select a Software package, Programming Language or Technology.

  Access 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2002, 2000, 97

[View Access Projects]

ADO (ActiveX Data Objects)

Adobe Acrobat

ASP (Active Server Pages)

Auto IT


Coral 66

CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)



DOS Batch programming

FoxPro for DOS

General Office Software


Internet / Web Software


ODBC (Open Database Connectivity)


Operating Systems


SQL (Structured Query Language)

VBA (Visual Basic for Applications)


VB (Visual Basic)

VDS (Visual Dialogscript)

VFP (Visual Foxpro)

WAP (Wireless Application Protocol)

XML (Extensible Markup Language)


Q&A was a flat file database system produced by Symantec during the 90's, it was very easy to use and despite being of a flat file structure could fulfill many uses by performing lookups. One of it's features that I have not seen anywhere since was the ability to enter queries in plain English, for example: 'show me the sales staff who have met their targets for the first quarter of 1999, sort by percentage over target'

I used Q&A extensively in the 90's while I was employed at GEC Sensors, I utilised it to replace a very expensive mainframe failure reporting system (charged by the CPU second), I also used it to create a VCRM (Verification Cross Reference Matrix) for use on the Merlin Helicoptor project for the Royal Navy.

© Dennis McDermott 2001-2025  -:-  Dennis McDermott is a Freelance Access Developer at Bespoke Software Development Limited -:- Privacy Policy